Birch Bay Village Pool

The Birch Bay Village Pool is open to residents, owners and their guests during the summer months (usually Memorial Day weekend to Labor Day Weekend) with a valid pool pass.

The pool is located adjacent to the BBV Clubhouse and is 75 ft in length, 35 ft in width, 3 ft deep on either end and 5 ft deep in the center. 

The pool facility also features a kiddie pool, newly renovated changing rooms, a picnic area, and several lounge chairs to sun yourself in.


Scroll down to read more.



  • No reservation or time limits have been imposed at this time. Access to the pool is first come, first served. If we are experiencing ongoing issues with capacity, we reserve the right to limit time frames, set up a reservation system, and/or implement other means to ensure equal access to the amenity by all residents/ homeowners.
  • Guest must be accompanied by and remain with a BBV member. Guest limitations have not been imposed, but if this is abused or if we are having capacity issues,  we reserve the right to limit the number of guests.
  • Everyone MUST practice good hygiene by washing their hands thoroughly after using the restroom and before returning to the pool.
  • ONLY plastic beverage containers allowed on pool deck. Food allowed in designated picnic area ONLY.
  • A responsible adult (18+) MUST accompany children less than 16 years of age & MUST be at the pool at all times.
  • When a person 16 to 17 years of age are using the pool, they MUST come in a group of at least two (2) people & remain together while at the pool.
  • No pool toys will be available. Any toys that impede the enjoyment of others will not be allowed (I.e. squirt guns, large balls, etc.).
  • Our pool staff are not lifeguards or babysitters; they are present to monitor capacity, conduct periodic cleaning and enforce rules.
  • The pool is available to all owners/lessees with their guests. Owners must purchase a pool pass, for a fee, from the office PRIOR to use of the pool.
  • All those entering the pool area must follow the pool rules.
  • Reserving of chairs is not permitted.
  • No Diving, Running or Horseplay is allowed.
  • Stay home if you are sick or not feeling well. (This includes, but is not limited to fevers, coughing, diarrhea, vomiting, open sores/wounds, skin infections, ear infections or eye infections).
  • No one under the influence of alcohol or drugs may use the pool.
  • Everyone MUST take a cleansing shower before using the pool.
  • Swimmer of all ages must wear appropriate swimming attire. Nudity is NOT al- lowed. NO diapers are permitted in the pool. (This includes swim diapers)
  • Only life preserver vests approved by the coast guard & water wings on children are permitted in the pool.
  • Lounge chairs are not permitted in the kiddie pool area.
  • Diaper changing areas are located in each locker room.
  • Any person violating Association rules will be asked to leave.
  • The pool may be closed for adverse/unsafe conditions at management’s discretion.
  • Anyone refusing to obey the regulations is subject to removal from the premises.
  • The General Manager & pool operators have the authority to enforce more stringent rules than those listed above to ensure the health, safety & comfort of all patrons.

Pool attendants are on hand to assist with check-in, cleaning, and general rule enforcement.  They are NOT lifeguards.   Parents or other responsible adults are expected to monitor and supervise their children. If there is an emergency please call 911.

Pool Information

Pool Hours

The pool is open from Memorial Day weekend to Labor Day Weekend.

The pool will be open weekends only from May 25 to June 9 and will open daily starting June 15.

May 25-27 Open 10 AM – 6 PM

June 1-2 Open 10 AM – 6 PM

June 8-9 Open 10 AM – 6PM

June 15-Sept 2 Open Daily (see schedule below)

  • Saturday & Sundays: Open Swim  10 AM – 8 PM*
  • Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays: Aerobics 9 AM-10 AM
  • Tuesday & Thursdays:  Lap Swim 9 AM – 10 AM
  • In July: Kids Swim Lessons will be offered (at a fee)  Please email [email protected] for more information


*Pool closing times will be adjusted through out the season depending on ambient light conditions and our ability to see the bottom of the pool.

To Purchase a 2024 Pool Pass

You may purchase a pool pass in person at the Office or Rec Center during their regular business hours.

2024 Pool Pass Prices:

  • Annual Pool Pass per household – $50.00 (price includes 1st fob)
  • Additional and/or replacement fobs – $10.00 (maximum 2 per household)
  • Weekly Pool Pass – $10.00 (must be purchased in person at the Rec Center or Office)

If you have lost and need to replace a previously registered fob you will need to purchase a replacement fob for $10 in addition to purchasing a pool pass.